
Triumph studios new strategy game
Triumph studios new strategy game

triumph studios new strategy game triumph studios new strategy game

If you upgrade then to higher tier, you still get 100% discount (so upgrading to next tier costs just 5-6 cosmite). It is much better to spend cosmite on units for the following reasons:ġ) units don't spend any cosmite when you upgrade their mods to the same tier, it costs just energy. I guess i may have missed a mechanic with how the sites are generated that you can get it from Probably. Maybe it was intentional but i find i only really install them on heroes as i find the resource hard to find early-mid game. Originally posted by MasterSJT:if we are discussing possible flaws i'm not sold on the cosmite costs for mods on units. That is why I think you still don't have a good working formula for a 4x game(or.well.any other kind of game)and are going to experiment more, so next release may be rough.ĭunno, I think I just got triggered by the absence of communication and announcements for a long time Campaign felt more organic in previous titles. Procedurally generated giant maps and slowed down movement speed(compared to AOW 3) make it feel weird imo. they are poorly thought out because the plot, the RPG part(which is important for AOW I think) is in conflict with the strategic part when you often have to move your main stack somewhere far away from where it should be fighting the enemy and expanding. I also enjoy campaigns in strategies and imo in Pl. became more like other 'slower' 4x strategies

triumph studios new strategy game

I've got 482 hours both in AOW3 and Pl.(by chance), and I feel like playtime in AoW 3 was less grindy and I overall played more games because they took less time. I know some people like it and there are good sides to it, but imo It made the strategic layer more repetitive and added more tedious micro, especially once you've figured it all out. I feel that in pursuit of making the strategic layer deeper you decided to borrow mechanics from other successfull 4x games. Originally posted by TriumphJordi:Well I'm sorry to hear that, would you mind sharing why you feel that way or what gives you that idea? Well, it's kinda weird to criticise the game years after release and everything has already been said about Planetfall's good and bad sides by many people, but since you asked.

Triumph studios new strategy game